Recordings: manage settings

Support Center > About SecureVideo Features

Published 01/12/2016 at 1:16am UTC

Page viewed 39652 times


SecureVideo has HIPAA compliant cloud recording as a premium feature. To request pricing to enable (or to disable) the recording feature on your account, please contact our Support Team at [email protected] . 


If you are a Clinical Supervisor or Account Administrator on an account with recording enabled, this support article will cover how manage your account's recording settings.


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1. Click on the "Recordings" tab and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

Recordings -> Settings



2. You have multiple recording settings here.

  • Enable Recording Sharing?
    • Select "Yes" to allow users to individually share with other users.
    • Select "No" to prevent users from being able to individually share with other users.
    • Account Administrators and Clinical Supervisors automatically have access to all recordings.
    • Group Relationships can automatically grant particular users access to other particular users' recordings regardless of this setting.

  • Record All Video Sessions?
    • Select "Yes" to automatically make any newly scheduled sessions use recording. 
    • Select "No" to allow users to choose whether or not the session they are scheduling will be recorded.

  • Send Notification When Recording Becomes Available?
    • Select "Yes" to send a notification email to the recording owner when the recording has finished processing and is available for viewing. (Recording processing times vary according to server load, but a general guide is 2 to 3 times the recording length.) 
    • Select "No" if you would not like any notification email to be sent to users when a recording is available. 

  • Auto-Delete Recordings After Days (0 = never auto-delete)
    • Enter a number here to automatically delete all recordings after that number of days has passed since the recording's creation.

  • Show Surveys to Recording Owners?
    • Do not enable recording surveys to recording owners: no survey is displayed.
    • Enable recording surveys for recording owners: when viewing a recording, survey at bottom of the page asks for a 1-5 rating on video and audio quality, with a comments field. Survey results can be viewed by an Account Administrator.

  • Recording Owner Access to Their Own Recordings
    • Full Control Over Recordings: recording owner can view their recordings, view/add/delete bookmarks to the recording, view/edit the recording title and description, and view/add/remove (non-Admin or Clinical Supervisor) users from being able to view the recording.
    • No Access to Recordings: recording owner cannot see recording in their recording list, or interact with the recording in any way. 
    • May View and Bookmark Recordings: recording owner can view their recordings, and view/add/delete bookmarks to the recording, but cannot delete the recording, or share it with another user. 

  • Record Audio Only on Cloud Recordings (Zoom accounts only)
    • No: record both video and audio.
    • Yes: record only audio.


This article was last reviewed by our Support team on February 15, 2022.